Cheats Civilization V – PC

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Civilization V cheats codes

Reveal map
Go to Documents >> My Games >> Sid Meier's >> Civilization 5 >> Edit config.ini Change "DebugPanel = 0" to "DebugPanel = 1" Then hit ` (tilde) in-game and select reveal all

Steam Achievements

A Magnificent Victory
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Suleiman.
A Woman's Work
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Wu Zetian.
Age of Empire
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Darius.
All for All Super Brawl
Have every Civ declare war on you at the same time.
All Roads Lead to Rome
Build a road with a Roman Legion.
Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Ramesses II.
Arab Trader
Trade a luxury resource to another Civ that you earned through a city with a Bazaar.
Arabian Knights
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Harun al-Rashid.
Baby Steps
Beat the game on the Settler difficulty level.
Barbarian Warlord
As Bismarck, convert the Barbarians from 10 camps to your side.
Barbary Pirate
As Suleiman, accumulate a navy with 10 Barbarian naval units.
Battlefield Earth
Beat the game on an Earth-type Map.
Blood and Iron
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Bismarck.
As gandhi, win a cultural victory with 3 or fewer cities in your empire.
Can't We All Just Get Along?
Play and win a game without ever declaring war on another Civ (does not preclude them from declaring war against you).
Cat Fight
As a female leader, defeat all other present female leader in a single game.
Charming. Really.
Beat the game on the Prince difficulty level.
City of Gold
Develop a city to produce more than 100 gold per turn.
City of Lights
Develop a city to produce more than 100 culture per turn.
City of Science
Develop a city to produce more than 100 science per turn.
Rate a Mod.
Conquest of the World
As alexander, defeat every known player by 350 bc.
Death Before Shame
Fully Explore the Honor Policy Track.
Diplomacy by Other Means
Fully Explore the Autocracy Policy Track.
Hold a Defensive Pact with another civilization for at least 50 turns.
Do You Want to Super Size That?
Beat the game on a Large Map.
Eighty-Eight Miles per Hour
Fully Explore the Rationalism Policy Track.
Empire of the East
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Ramkhamhaeng.
Build a Wonder.
Enlightened Ruler
Unlock all Social Policies, across any number of playthroughs.
Download a Mod.
Play a game with a Mod.
Exterminate! Exterminate!
Win a Domination Victory.
First in the Hearts of Your Countrymen
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Washington.
First of the Mohicans
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Hiawatha.
Flawless Strategy
Beat the game on the Deity difficulty level.
Flying Fortress
Bomb an enemy city with a B-17.
Build 1000 mines, across any number of playthroughs.
Freedom Isn't Free
Fully Explore the Freedom Policy Track.
From Archaemennid to Safavid
As Darius, start 5 Golden Ages in a single game.
Gardens of Lake Texcoco
Build a Floating Garden in a city with a lake tile in its radius.
Give Peace a Chance
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Gandhi.
Go Boldly Where No Man Has Gone Before
Win a Space Victory.
God Is Great
Construct 1000 Temples, across any number of playthroughs.
Going It Old School
Beat the game on a Pangaea-type Map.
Gotta Catch 'Em All
Beat the game on all standard map types and sizes.
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Upgrade a Unit.
He Threw a Car at My Head!
Have any city ransomed by Barbarians.
Here Ends the Noble Savage
Raze 100 Barbarian camps, across any number of playthroughs.
Hundred Years War
Be engaged in a single war for 100 or more consecutive turns.
I Can Has Nukes?
Drop a Nuke on another Civ.
I Have the Power
Win 20 battles with a single unit.
I Need More Elbow Room
Beat the game on a Tiny Map.
I'm on a Boat!
Embark a Unit.
Lose a Game to someone not on your friend's list.
Island Hopping
Beat the game on an Archipelago-type Map.
It's Just You and Me, Kid
Beat the game on a Duel Map.
It's Standard Issue
Beat the game on a Standard Map.
It's Super Effective
Destroy an enemy unit in just one hit.
Kamikaze Attack
Kill an enemy unit attacking with a Japanese unit with just 1 HP remaining.
Knowledge Is Good
Hold a Research Pact with another civilization for at least 50 turns.
Land Baron
Purchase 1000 tiles, across any number of playthroughs.
Last Man Standing
Win any Multiplayer Match.
Living in Smallville
Beat the game on a Small Map.
Lux Perpetua Luceat Eis
Fully Explore the Piety Policy Track.
Prove that the world is round by uncovering a connected loop of tiles around the circumference of the world.
Manifest Destiny
Completely control and have contiguous borders around your starting continent.
Marco Polo
Be the first to explore and uncover 1000 tiles, across any number of playthroughs.
Master of the House
Fully Explore the Tradition Policy Track.
Master of the Universe
Beat the game on any difficulty setting with each leader.
Merchant King
Trade 100 resources, across any number of playthroughs.
Model of a Modern Major-General
Train all Units, across any number of playthroughs.
Money Doesn't Grow on Trees
Fully Explore the Commerce Policy Track.
Montezuma's Revenge...
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Montezuma.
Moving on Up
Earn a Unit Promotion.
My Little Pony
As Catherine, research Horseback Riding before any other Civ.
Neighborhood Bully
Annex a previously puppetted City State.
One to Rule Them All
Beat the game on any difficulty setting with only one city.
Panzer "Shafernator" General
Spawn over 100 Great Generals, build an army of over 100 standing units, and beat the game 100 times.
Paul Bunyan
Chop down 1000 forest tiles, across any number of playthroughs.
Peace and Prosperity
Begin a Golden Age.
People of the Longhouse
Build a longhouse in a city with at least 4 unchopped forests in its radius.
Plate Tectonics
Beat the game on a Continents-type Map.
Riddle of the Sphinx
Rush a wonder as Egypt with a Great Engineer.
Rising Sun
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Oda.
Ruler of the Seas
As elizabeth, sink and destroy 357 enemy naval units, across any number of playthroughs.
Ruler of the Twelve Colonies
Beat the game on a Huge Map.
Say Hello to My Little Friend
Reach Ally Status with a City State.
Second City
Found a second city.
Have another Civ beat you to completing a Wonder 10 times.
Six Degrees to Sid
Play a multiplayer match with another player who has this achievement (starting with Sid).
Star of the North
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Catherine.
Sun Tzu's Art of War
As Wu Zetian, earn a Great General through battle.
Taking off the Training Wheels
Beat the game on the Chieftain difficulty level.
Team Player
Fully Explore the Patronage Policy Track.
The African King
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Askia.
The Alexman
Beat the game on the Warlord difficulty level.
The Appian Way
Build 1000 roads, across any number of playthroughs.
The Best State of a Republic
Win a Cultural Victory.
The Elephant Battle
Destroy another Civ's unique unit with a Naresuan's Elephant.
The Explorer
Discover 100 natural wonders.
The Golden Path
Beat the game on the Emperor difficulty level.
The Man Who Would Be King
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Alexander.
The Once and Future King
Beat the game on the King difficulty level.
The Paul Murphy Award for Excellence and Attractiveness
Read 500 articles in the Civilopedia.
The Pen is Mightier
Win a Diplomatic Victory.
The Wonder Years
Build all the Wonders, across any number of playthroughs.
The World Is a Mess, and I Just Need to Rule It
Beat the game on the Immortal difficulty level.
Three Musketeers
Kill a unit with a French Musketeer when two other Musketeers are providing flanking bonuses.
To Stand the Test of Time
Beat the game with all victory conditions.
Tomb Raider
Pillage gold from an Egyptian city with a burial tomb in it.
Treasure Hunter
Discover an ancient ruin.
Two Men Enter, One Man Leave
Completely defeat another Civ and remove them from the game.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Caesar.
Video et Taceo
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Elizabeth.
Vivre La Revolution
Beat the game on any difficulty setting as Napoleon.
War Canoe Attack
As askia, conquer a city on another continent.
We Have the Technology
Fully explore the Tech Tree.
With an Iron Fist
Fully Explore the Order Policy Track.
With Liberty and Justice for All
Fully Explore the Liberty Policy Track.